Get a complete breakdown of the Customer Portal, covering everything from setup to the user experience.
Watch this video overviewing Customer Portal, a new feature designed to give your members a more secure and easy way to manage their memberships.
Customer Portal Setup Guide
Enabling the portal in Rinsed:
- (Rinsed Admins only) - Navigate to Settings > Customer Portal.
- Toggle on Enable Portal.
Customizing the portal:
1. Customize Branding
- Navigation Color is the color of the text and icons in the lefthand sidebar.
- Button Color is the background color of the “Manage My Plan” and “Edit Profile” buttons.
- Button Text Color is the text color for the “Manage My Plan” and “Edit Profile” buttons.
You can use the eyedropper tool to pull colors directly from your logo so that your branding remains consistent.
2. Customer login – This must be set by your CSM. Options are RFID, License Plate, and Both. Work with your CSM if you need to adjust this setting.
3. Customize portal capabilities - Select any or all of the following options to enable on your portal:
- Cancel
- Switch
- Pause
- Update payment
- Downsells
- Family plans (DRB with RFID only)
Each of these options functions the same as it would in a Member Management form. If you already have Switch Plans and Downsells created in your Rinsed account, you do not need to create new ones for the Customer Portal.
4. Customize Checkout Form-
- If a customer who is inactive logs into the portal, you can provide the option for them to reactivate their account by purchasing a new plan.
- Select an existing checkout form for them to use, or create a new one using the Create Checkout button.
- Use this banner to display any additional information you may want to communicate to your customers.
- If you would like to redirect customers elsewhere, create a button in your custom banner and add a redirect URL.
Logging into the Portal
All portal logins will occur through the portal link, which can be found at the top of the page under Settings > Customer Portal. This link can be posted on your website for customers to access.
- Login Method 1 - Use email address or phone number that is already associated with a membership in Rinsed: If a customer enters an email address or phone number that is associated with a membership in Rinsed, they will receive a magic login link to that email address or phone number. Once they click the link, they’ll be logged into the portal. If the email/phone are not recognized the user can proceed to option 2.
- If the customer has multiple memberships attached to their contact information, they will be able to select the membership that they want to modify.
- If the customer has multiple memberships attached to their contact information, they will be able to select the membership that they want to modify.
- Login Method 2 - Enter barcode/license plate and last 4 of credit card. If Rinsed can find a match to a membership based on this criteria, they will be logged in. If this option does not work, proceed to option 3.
- Login Method 3 - Submit open ticket. If options 1 and 2 do not allow the customer to log in, they can submit their information as an open ticket. This will go into your Open Tickets dashboard. An agent can use the information in the ticket to locate the membership. Once located, the agent can locate the membership and edit the customer profile with the provided contact information. The customer will now be able to log into the portal using their phone number/email.
- We recommend creating a “Customer Profile Updated” ticket resolution. This can be used by agents once a customer’s contact information has been added to let them know they should now be able to log into the customer portal.
Portal Features
Once a customer has logged into the portal, they can use any of the functions that you have enabled (Cancel, Pause, Switch, and Manage Family Plan (DRB only)).
They can also:
- Review their Billing history, using the Billing tab on the lefthand side. From here, the customer can email themself any of their past membership receipts.
- Update their payment method (under Billing > Card on File)
- View visit history using the Wash History tab
- Purchase a new membership (if inactive)
- Update contact information using the Edit Profile button
- Opt into SMS messages
Customer Portal FAQ
Q: Can all Points of Sale use the customer portal?
A: Yes. Automation functionality may vary, but the portal can be used across all points of sale.
Q: How do I configure email templates for cancellations/switches through the portal?
A: Email templates will be the same as the ones used for Member Management requests. These can be edited under Tickets > Email Templates. You can also create custom email templates by creating a new Ticket Resolution under Tickets > Custom Ticket Resolutions > Add email template.
Q: Do the text messages that contain the login link count toward my billable segments?
A: No.
Q: If someone is opted out of SMS messages will they be able to receive the magic link via text?
A: Yes. Since the login SMS is categorized as a "transactional" message, it can still be sent even if a contact has opted out of "marketing" messages. If a customer has previously opted out, they will be prompted to consent to a one-time SMS message in order to log in:
Q: With the alternative ticket login (barcode + last 4) does the customer still get a magic link, or do they go straight to the portal?
A: They are taken straight to the portal.
Q: What does the “Pending update” banner mean?
A: It means that an automation is underway for your membership. Until the automation is completed, you will not be able to make any further changes.
Q: How can I test the portal before going live?
A: You can use the portal link under Settings > Customer Portal for testing prior to adding it to your website. Once the link is on your website, it will be live to customers. We recommend creating a test membership that you can use so you can test the full login flow.
Q: Can customers see receipts for retail or gift card purchases in the portal?
A: Today, customers can only see membership receipts. We are planning on adding more retail-related features to the portal soon!
Q: Can I log in to the portal as a customer to see what they’re seeing?
A: Yes! For more information, see Impersonate a Member in the Customer Portal
Q: Does the portal work across replication groups (points of sale/servers)?
A: Yes. However, a different portal link is needed when working across location groups (brands).
Q: How should I address a Customer Portal Login Support ticket?
A: Using the information provided in the ticket, locate the membership using the Rinsed member search. Click on the customer name, then click Actions > Edit to add or replace their email address and phone number with the ones provided in the ticket.
Once you’ve done this, you can let the customer know that they can now access the portal using the provided phone number/email.
Q: Can I use the customer portal to manage a customer's account on their behalf?
A: Yes. You can do this in two ways:
1. Navigate to the customer using the member search in Rinsed. In the Memberships section, click Manage and you will be taken to a customer portal session for that membership.
2. Navigate to the customer, click to open the membership, then click Actions > Manage in portal.