How To Collect Contact Information For New Members Using Rinsed

A guide explaining how to leverage Rinsed to collect contact information for new members

GOAL: ensure all members have accurate contact information on file 


  1. Customer purchases a new membership on site
  2. Member ID is assigned, phone number is collected
  3. Member gets a wash and leaves the site
  4. Within 24 hours, Rinsed automatically sends the customer a text message:
  5. When the customer clicks the link, they’re taken to this contact form, which automatically populates with information we have on file:

6. Within 24 hours of submitting this form, the customer’s information is updated in the database. NOTE: For ICS and DRB, this info will also write back to the POS. For Sonny's, Micrologic, Patheon, and Washify, this info will only update in Rinsed. Rinsed is working on this functionality for all Point-Of-Sales. 


For more information on how to set up contact forms, please visit our help center article