Using the Salespath Tablet

Everything you need to know about using the Salespath tablet as a sales associate

By using the Salespath tablet you get a visual presentation that will enable you to perform at a high level. You also get a dashboard that helps you see your performance, and track your personal sales.

Starting & Stopping Presentations

  • When you see a car approaching click the "Launch Presentation" button in the top right hand corner. This will make the slideshow presentation go full screen on the tablet.
  • Hold the tablet so that the customer can see the presentation slides.
  • Once the customer makes a choice, end the presentation by clicking the close presentation button in the top right hand corner.
  • Finally help the customer finalize the transaction at the pay station or POS.

Giving the Presentation

  • Be a guide: Use the menu slide to be consultative and help the customer find a wash package that is right for them. This requires you understand the differences in your wash packages. If you do not currently understand the different inclusions see your manager.
  • Validate their choice: Once they make a choice, click the wash package and it will take you to the wash package slide. Validate the customer by telling them they made a good choice and you might include why it is a good choice by mentioning the key inclusions.
  • Offer the membership to every customer: Once you have validated the customer, offer the membership.

Marketplace Rewards

If your employer has chosen to use the Salespath Marketplace, you will have the option of choosing a reward to work towards. 

You do not begin accruing points until you select an item. You cannot accrue points and then select an item later. 

  • Click the 3-line menu icon in the top left. Choose Marketplace.
  • Select an item you would like to work towards.
  • Your reward item will now appear in your dashboard.
  • As you sell memberships you are accruing points towards that reward. Once you have achieved that reward you will receive it via your personal email. Make sure your personal email address is entered.
  • If you change your reward you will lose out on the points you have accrued up until that point.

Your Dashboard

  • Rank Card- In the top left you will see your rank card. This shows you your current rank, how many memberships you have sold in Salespath, and how many are remaining to your next rank.
  • Reward Card- See above.
  • Today's Gauges- These show your performance today relative to the targets that have been set for your location. They include conversion rate, average retail transaction, and engagement rate.
  • Launch Presentation Button- See above.
  • Sales Stream- This is a social media style feed that will show CoachBot notifications, general shout outs, training posts, and social posts. You can post at any time and all users in the company will see your post.
  • Chat- This is chat to anyone in your organization.
  • Leaderboard- By default it will show today's leaderboard of everyone who has given presentations. It is ranked by conversion rate. You need to have at least 10. You can change to a location leaderboard as well. You can see today, yesterday, last 7 days and last 30 days.
  • Commission- If your employer is using Salespath to calculate commission, this will appear here.
  • Conversion Rate Chart- This is your personal week over week conversion rate performance.