An outline on how to revise the salesperson for a transaction
When a salesperson is logged into the Salespath Tablet, that salesperson will be attributed to each transaction automatically. However, if the salesperson was not logged in, or the wrong salesperson was logged in, you can manually edit or add the salesperson.
Here's how:
Login to salespath, and go to the Daily Transaction report.
Run the report for the date and location in question.
Find the transaction you would like to add a salesperson to or edit the one that was assigned.
Click the "Details" button on that transaction.
A pop-up window will appear showing you the transaction details.
At the bottom of that window there is an "Override Salesperson" button.
Once you click that button you will have the option of editing or adding a salesperson from the dropdown.
You do not have to toggle the "Generate session data" button.
Click the Save button.
The salesperson will now be attributed to that transaction.