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2025 February - Product Releases

All product changes that occurred in February of 2025.


  • Checkout failure email notifications – Automatically trigger an email when a customer's last checkout attempt fails due to an API issue.
  • New audience merge tag: “New Plan Days” – Use in downsells and switch plans to better target customers based on how long they’ve been on their new plan.
  • Instantly view all customer communication history – Click an email or phone number in your contacts to see all messages sent to that contact.
  • Track voucher redemptions – Voucher tracking is now available for all Patheon and Washify customers.
  • Expanded Wash Location audience filter – The “wash location” audience filter now also includes retail washers. The “Retail Wash Location” filter has been removed.
  • Send messages directly from contact lists – Quickly send messages to selected contacts right from the contact list page.


  • New license plate font for better clarity – Checkout forms now use Fira Code to help distinguish between similar characters like 0 (zero) and O (letter O).
  • BCC confirmation emails for checkout forms – You can now configure a BCC email address to receive copies of every checkout confirmation email. 
  • Custom field labels now support HTML – Supports a subset of HTML elements for better formatting, including:
    • Headings: h1 - h6
    • Text formatting: bold, italics, underline, etc.
    • Lists: bulleted & numbered
    • Links & media: a, img
    • Semantic elements: abbr, cite, dfn, time, etc.
    • Allowed attributes: href, alt, src, title, class, name, height, width, lang, and datetime.
    • Exclusions: No script or style tags, and no inline styles.
  • Restrict the number of checkouts per customer – Set limits on how many times a customer can check out from a specific form. Restrictions are based on customer phone number.