All product changes that occurred in October of 2024.
- Updates to contact lists: You can now add, edit, and delete contacts directly within your contact lists. Easily sort and search through your contacts, ensuring you find the information you need in seconds.
- Updates to contact forms in Canada: Canadian location groups will now show Provinces instead of States in the license plate state field.
- Quarterly Analytics Email Available: Schedule quarterly analytics emails to get a comprehensive view of your car wash’s trends and performance.
Family Plans
- Offer family plans up to 10 vehicles: Our new family plan solution now supports plans up to 10 vehicles.
Washify Customers Only
- New features available: Washify customers can now automate cancellation tickets, switch plans and downsell offers. They can also implement member offers.
Patheon Customers Only
- New features available: Patheon customers can now sell memberships online, save members with downsell offers, automate ticket management, and offer membership upgrades.