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2024 July - Product Releases

All product changes that occurred in July of 2024.


  • New Marketing ROI Dashboard: This dashboard tracks the efficacy of marketing within Rinsed. It allows you to compare performance across different templates, track engagement rates on messages, and monitor voucher redemption rates and other success metrics.


  • Segment counter update: The segment counter now recognizes when an image is attached to a text message template and updates itself accordingly.



  • Reprocess Ticket Capability: A new button on the ticket page lets you reprocess tickets. For example, if a ticket was associated with the wrong membership, you can update the barcode/membership, reassign the ticket to the correct customer, and reprocess it for the correct membership.

Salespath - Rinsed Integration:

  • Customer Information Collection: This feature lets salespeople easily collect phone numbers in the driveway using their Salespath tablet, automatically adding them to a Rinsed contact list. You can then market to these customers by setting up a retail campaign within Rinsed.