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2024 August - Product Releases

All product changes that occurred in August of 2024.


  • New Retail Loyalty Dashboard: Our new Retail Loyalty Dashboard lets you track the success of your loyalty program with ease. Get insights into revenue, sign-up volume, conversions over time, reward stats, and more! 

Tickets & Forms:

  • License plate length verification: You can now set a minimum length for license plate entries in ticket forms that use customer license plate authentication. This prevents users from submitting forms with short or invalid plate numbers, reducing errors and ensuring tickets are correctly associated with memberships.

Contact Lists:

  • Standard Response Template for Duplicate Contacts: We've introduced a new text message template called "duplicate contact" for your contact lists. You can easily add this template to any contact form, with the default message: "We already have your contact information on this list."  If you don't add the template and/or if you add it to a list where allow_duplicates is true, it won't be used.

Account Settings:

  • Email Notification Settings: There are now 5 different email notification types that you can either opt in or opt out of in your Rinsed account settings, based on your account role. You can adjust your settings by going to Settings → Users → Name.


  • Switch Plan Settings: We’ve expanded the instances for the “delay switch until next recharge” settings to now include the option to “delay downgrades until next recharge” and “delay upgrades until next recharge”