Founders Clubs

Kick-start your success by enabling a Founder’s Club with Rinsed

Your wash isn’t open yet, but you want to hit the ground running with your memberships. Building a Founders Club is a great strategy to sell hundreds or even thousands of memberships online before opening day!

Benefits of a Founders Club

  • Marketing: A Founders Club creates buzz and attracts early adopters, providing a strong customer base from the start.
  • Retention: Initial offers encourage sign-ups, and subsequent offers help retain customers.
  • Traffic: Attract customers from competitors and get customers through the door to experience your service level
  • Loyalty: With the right messaging, Founder’s Club members will stick around for a long time!
  • Contact Info: Collecting contact info early on enables long term success with campaigns 

Founders Club Strategies

  • Offer a Penny Plan or 99 Cent Plan:
    • Incentivize early enrollment by allowing members to sign up before opening for just a penny
    • Switch to a full or other promo price on the opening day.
    • Alternatively, offer "30 days of free washing for only a penny!" and switch customers to full price one month after the wash opens.

How to: Set up a penny plan and a full priced plan in your POS. Your dedicated Customer Success Manager can help you create a checkout form that will switch members on your desired timeframe

  • Create exclusivity
    • Consider capping Founder’s Club deals at a limited number (250-1500)
    • Tier your Founder’s Club - first 250 get the best deal, 250-500 get a slightly less competitive deal etc.

How to: Within Rinsed, we can keep an eye on your Purchase Orders for any given checkout form. We’ll create a checkout form for each deal you’d like to offer, and you can make the switch on your website or promo materials when each cap is reached.

  • Add additional bonuses
    • Sweeten the deal with additional giveaways for your Founder’s Club. Examples include:
      • Exclusive branded Founder's Club Air Freshener.
      • Entry to win sports tickets.
      • Entry to win a Year of Free Washes.
      • Quarterly giveaway items.

How to: We can create a contact list to identify those in your founder’s club to allow you to start raffles. Additionally, we can message Founder’s Club members as an audience, allowing you to notify them to come in to the store and pick up any bonus items!

Rinsed Tip: Not sure about your opening date? Work with your CSM - in many cases, we can conduct a manual switch of your Founder’s club members

  • Retain Founders
    • Worried about churn after opening day? Here are some strategies that our partners have used, enabled by Rinsed
      • 25% off for a year
      • $15 plan, forever
      • 3 months for $10
      • Most popular plan for discounted price

How to: Rinsed allows for the flexibility to switch members from plan to plan within our checkout forms. Share your idea with your CSM and we will work with you to make it happen 

Please Note: Your strategy will differ depending on whether you are opening a brand new business, or adding a location to an existing brand. For those adding a new location, check your Rinsed analytics for guidance on your most popular plan types to guide your promotional deals