How to use and edit your SMS or Email signature in Rinsed CRM
In Rinsed, you can create a signature to be used as a sign-off for all of your text and email messages. Once set, just add the {{Signature}}
dynamic field to your messages, and your signature will dynamically populate in those SMS messages or emails.
To edit your Signature
By default, your signature will be "The <Car Wash Name> Team", for example, "The Sudsy Sam Team." To edit your Signature, contact and they can make the desired adjustments.
If you're not sure what your current Signature is, you can send yourself a test message, or ask our Support Team to confirm.
To add your Signature to an SMS message
Simply copy/paste {{Signature}}
into the end of your text message, and your Signature will populate once the message is sent. Do not edit the {{Signature}}
tag with your actual signature; this will populate from your backend settings in Rinsed once the message is sent.
To add your Signature to an email message
Simply copy/paste {{Signature}}
into the end of your text message, and your Signature will populate once the message is sent. Do not edit the {{Signature}}
tag with your actual signature; this will populate from your backend settings in Rinsed once the message is sent.