A walkthrough of the switch plan set up process
Switch plans are a part of your member management form and give your customers the option to change their plan to a different plan that you offer
Important for DRB Customers: Prior to setting up switch plans in Rinsed, you must have $0 seller versions of all plans created in the POS and exposed to the API
How to Create Switch Plans
1. To create a Switch Plan, go to Customer Management > Switch Plans > New Switch Plan
2. Give it a customer-facing name, customer-facing description of the unlimited plan, and customer-facing price.
Please note: The fields that customers will see include Name, Description and Price. It's important for the "Price" field to display the regular full price of the unilimited wash, no "$" symbol needed.
3. Assign the Plan Type from the drop-down. This Plan Type should match the Unlimited Switch that you're setting up. Then, choose the eligible Locations for the switch. If you leave this section blank, ALL locations will be automatically assigned
4. The Replication Group will be automatically selected to match your POS. Next, select the appropriate unlimited seller Plan from the drop-down menu. This is the plan that Rinsed will switch your customers to automatically.
Please Note: If your Replication Group is not auto-selected to your Point-of-Sale (POS) or need help locating the appropriate seller plan in the Plan drop-down, please contact your dedicated customer success manager or contact support@rinsed.co for assistance.
5. If you wish to restrict the eligibility of individuals who can switch to unlimited plans, you can utilize the Min Visits per Month and Max Visits per Month options. These settings will limit the eligibility of individuals based on their average monthly usage. Furthermore, you can also set a value for the Min Membership Age in Months field to restrict the eligibility of switchers. For example, a value of 1 will limit plan switching to customers who have been members for at least a month.
6. When setting up switches, it's best to think "who" will "switch" into this plan. For example, if we're creating a switch plan for Ultimate Wash, we need to determine who can switch to the full-priced unlimited plan and who cannot. Next, assign an Eligible Plan Type and/or Ineligible Plan Type. Assigning eligibility will either allow customers to switch or prevent them from changing to the new plan from their current one. The Eligible Plan Type field can be left blank if all plan types are eligible.
Rinsed Tip: To avoid customers accidentally switching customers to their current plan, make sure that the Name, Plan Type, Plan and Ineligible Plans are all identical when setting up switch plans.
7. Finally, to complete your switch plan, toggle the "is Active" switch on. Then, click Create Switch Plan. You will have the option to delay the switch for upgrades and or downgrades until the next recharge date.
8. To edit your switch plan, click Tickets > Switch Plans > Edit. Next, click Edit Switch Name or Deactivate to make changes to your switch plan.