How to create downsell plans in DRB Sitewatch
Before you can set up your Downsell Plans in Rinsed, you will need to reach out to DRB to create the downsell plans in the POS. In order to offer Downsell Plans, you will need DRB to configure entirely new plans for each ARM plan being offered a downsell with the following items.
You will need to schedule an appointment with Scheduled Services using this link, which is specific for Rinsed tenants wishing to set up Downsell Plans. You’ll need to provide DRB the ARM Plans you wish to offer downsells on, the price point for each of those downsell plans, and the below list of items to be created for each plan in the description. Include the following information in the description:
- DS <WashName> $0 Sld
- $0 Seller item for moving customers into the plan.
- Should be exposed to the API for us to sell.
- DS <WashName> Rdmd
- Redemption item for the Downsell ARM plan.
- Should be priced and packaged identically to how normal ARM plan Rdmd items are packaged within DRB.
- DS <WashName> Rfnd
- Prorated Refund Item.
- Should be packaged in the prorated Terminate ARM package.
- Facilitates customers being able to cancel/switch plans with staff in-person at the car wash.
- DS <WashName> NoRfnd
- $0 Refund Item.
- Will be packaged in the Terminate NoRfnd package.
- Facilitates us moving customers out of the Downsell Plan at the end of their Downsell period.
- DS <WashName> Rchg
- Recharge item that recharges customers the value chosen for the downsell period.
Once each of these items has been created, the plans should also be exposed to the API. Once the plans are visible in Rinsed, you can begin setting up your Downsells by following these instructions.