Uploading Vouchers

A guide to voucher use in Rinsed

Step 1: Generate voucher codes in your Point Of Sale System

To Start, you'll need to get a file of codes from your POS system. We recommend getting at least 5,000 codes so that you don't need to repeat this process too frequently. 

Step 2: Format the voucher file 

  1. Open your voucher file 
  2. For Sonny's, ICS, Washify, and Micrologic vouchers: 
    1. Remove all columns besides the actual voucher codes themselves.
    2. Remove all column headers.
    3. If there are blank rows between codes, remove those blank rows. 
    4. This should leave you with a single-column file, where each row in the column contains a unique voucher code and no other text, and there are no blank rows. 
    5. Save your file as a .csv
    6. Example:
    7. Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.16.27 PM

3. For DRB vouchers: 

    1. You will receive a file of codes with two columns. The first column will contain codes beginning with "$P"; the second column will contain the same codes without the "$P."
    2. Remove any column headers from the file. 
    3. If there are blank rows between codes, remove those blank rows.
    4. Save your file as a .csv. 
    5. Example:
      Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.18.56 PM

Step 3: Upload the Voucher File

  1. In Rinsed, click Marketing>Voucher Types.Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.22.23 PM
  2. To create a new voucher type:
    1. Click Actions> New Voucher Type. Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.23.54 PM
    2. Input a Name and click Create Voucher Type
    c.   Click Actions> Add Batch. Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.27.46 PM
    d.   Add an expiration date, if desired. *The expiration date is the date that Rinsed will stop sending vouchers. For the actual codes to expire, this will need to be configured in the POS. We recommend leaving the expiration date blank.
    e.   Under Voucher Type, the new voucher type you created should be pre-selected. 
    f.    Click Create Voucher Batch. 
    Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.29.21 PM
    g.   Click Actions> Upload Vouchers
    Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.30.12 PM
    h.    Add a name for your upload (optional).
    i.    If your file has all headers removed per the instructions above, leave Use headers toggled off. 
    j.   Click choose file and select the .csv file of vouchers from your computer. Then click Upload Vouchers.Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.31.57 PM
  3. To upload more codes to an existing voucher type:
    1. Click on the voucher type you'd like to use.
    2. Follow steps c-f under step 2 above!
    Your upload is now complete! Please allow a few minutes for files to be processed. On the upload page, you will see the success row count and the errored row count.  If you notice a high number of errored rows, please contact support@rinsed.co to help troubleshoot your upload.


Q: How many vouchers do I have available?

A: To see how many vouchers have been send and how many you have left, head to Marketing> Voucher Types. This dashboard surfaces some helpful information you can use for voucher monitoring:

  • Name: the name of the voucher type
  • Used Vouchers: The number of vouchers within that voucher type that have been sent out through Rinsed. Note that this is not the number of redeemed vouchers. 
  • Available Vouchers: The number of vouchers within that voucher type that have not yet been sent, i.e. are available for use. 
  • Voucher Batches: The number of batches that have been updated to any particular voucher type. 

Q: Will I be notified if I'm running low on vouchers? 

A: Yes, a banner will appear in your Rinsed instance letting you know a certain voucher is running low. It will prompt you to add more vouchers.

If you are no longer using this voucher type and no longer need to receive notifications, you can Archive the voucher type by clicking Marketing> Voucher Types> select voucher type> Actions> Archive. Once archived, you will no longer receive notifications about that voucher type.

Q: Can I see how many customers have redeemed the voucher that they received?

A: Depending on your POS, you may be able to track this using the Rinsed Audience Builder! Talk to your CSM if you have questions about voucher tracking. 

Q: Do voucher codes have to be for a free wash, or is it possible to create voucher codes that give customers some % of discount?

A: This will depend on your POS. Talk to your POS contact to learn more about what types of voucher codes are possible. As long as the POS can put those codes into a CSV file, you can distribute them through Rinsed.