Scheduled Messages

An overview of the scheduled message function in Rinsed

scheduled message is a one-off message that gets sent to your chosen Audience at a predetermined date and time. 

Use Cases For Scheduled Messages:

  • A mass text message to all active members alerting them to a change in business hours.
  • A mass email to all contacts including the link to a limited time promotion. 
  • An alert sent to all members on a specific plan type letting them know that their plan price will be changing, effective in X number of days.
  • A holiday specific text blast.

To Create A Scheduled Message:

  1. Click Marketing > Scheduled Messages
  2. Click Actions > New text message or new email
    1. Text Messages:
      1. Select the audience you would like to send your message to. Be aware that the message will go out to whomever is in that Audience at time of send.
      2. Select your send at date/time. Dates and times are shown in user's local time. 
      3. Add in the body of your message.
      4. Click Create scheduled text message.
      5. To create a scheduled message as a "draft" simply leave the send at field blank.
    2. Emails
      1. Select the audience for your email.
      2. Add an email subject.
      3. Build the body of your message
      4. Enter your send at date/time.
      5. Click Create Scheduled email. 

For more information on how to use scheduled messages, please reach out to your CSM!