Text Message and Email Builders in Rinsed

An overview of the text message and email builders in the Rinsed platform.

Text Messages

There are a few features to point out in our Text Message builder: 

    1. Emojis: You can copy/paste emojis into text messages. Or, follow these instructions for Windows, or these for Mac. 
      1. Be aware that a single segment is reduced to 70 characters (instead of 160) when using emojis. See <Segments> for more information.
  • Dynamic fields: Type the @ symbol to pull up a list of variables/dynamic fields. These will be replaced by dynamic content when the message is sent. 
  • Short links: If enabled, Rinsed will create shortened, trackable links out of any links included in your message.
  • Images: Attach images up to 5 MB maximum. Note that images will be counted as additional segments. 
  • Voucher type: Select a voucher type to include a barcode image of any particular voucher that you’ve uploaded into Rinsed. We recommend including both the written voucher code using the dynamic field, AND the barcode image. 


The Rinsed email builder is fully customizable using various drag and drop elements. 

  1. The gray background of your email is customized separately through your Base Email Template, under Marketing > Base Email Template. 
  2. Set a Subject line of your choosing.
  3. The following elements can be added to your emails as desired:
    1. Column
    2. Heading
    3. Text
    4. Image
    5. Button
    6. Divider
    7. HTML
    8. Menu
    9. Voucher barcode

See this video for an overview of how the Email Builder elements.