Manually Uploading Contacts to a Contact List

An overview of how to manually upload contacts into a contact list in Rinsed

If you have an existing list of contacts that you'd like to upload to a Contact List in Rinsed, start by creating a new Contact List, or opening an existing one. Then follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to Marketing>Contact Lists> Actions>New Contact List

2. Give your Contact List a name that will be easy to recognize later on. (i.e. "Spring 2024 Free Wash Promo")

    a. Allow duplicates toggle: Leave this OFF if you do not want the same phone number or email address to be entered on the list twice. It is important to disallow duplicates if you are distributing vouchers in the confirmation message, to ensure that the same customer does not receive multiple codes.

3. Click Create Contact List.

4. Click Actions>import Contacts 

5. Add an important name if desired (optional).

6. Opt in to communications: Leaving this toggle ON will opt all phone numbers on your contact list into communications. Leaving this toggle OFF will opt all phone numbers OUT of communications. Please make sure you have documented proof of opt-in to receiving text messages if you plan to send marketing text messages to these contacts.

7. Select the .csv file you'd like to upload. Make sure your file is formatted correctly using the instructions below.

    a. Your .csv should be formatted with one or more of the following headers: firstname, lastname, email, phone, zipcode, barcode, license_plate, birth_date, (YYYY-MM-DD), license_plate_state (as abbreviation, e.g. NY).

   b. Note that unsupported hearders will cause contact uploads to fail. 

8. Click Create contact upload batch. 

9. You can now see how many contacts were successfully uploaded using the Success row count and Errored row count fields. If you experience any issues uploading your contacts, please contact

Please Note: Contacts will be available for use in Rinsed about 15 minutes after the upload is completed.