Audience Filter Guide

A comprehensive guide explaining each filter available in the audience builder.

An audience is a group of people that you are selecting to receive a particular email or text message. Our audience builder features many filters so that you can customize your audience to your marketing needs.

See below for a walkthrough of how to create an audience in Rinsed: 


See below for a break down of each filter:

Section Property Filterable by Explanation Example or Use Case POS Nuances
Membership average visits X number of visits per month Average # of monthly visits across the lifetime of a member. Membership is defined by barcode/license plate. Send a message to members who have visited 3 or more times per month over the lifetime of their membership encouraging them to upgrade their plan.  
Membership cancellation Cancellation reason | within the last X days/weeks/months/years Cancellation request submitted through a Rinsed member management form. Time constraints are based on the date/time when the cancellation request was successfully processed. Only captures cancellations that were automated; does not capture manual cancellations. Text members who cancelled with "Service" as the cancellation reason asking what you could do to improve their experience.  
Membership downsell accepted date X days/weeks/months/years ago The date a member accepted a downsell offer. Send reminder emails toward the end of the downsell duration period to alert the customer that they will be recharged at the regular rate.  
Membership downsell declined date X days/weeks/months/years ago The date a member declined a downsell offer. Follow up with a more aggressive deal after the member declines a downsell offer.  
Membership failed recharge attempts Greater/less than or equal to X The number of failed recharges that your POS has tried for a given member in credit card decline. Dunning (credit card decline) messages.  
Membership involuntary churn X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks The date the customer entered ‘expired’/‘payment retries exceeded’/‘payment failed’ status after the credit card decline period. Once the customer reaches this state, their membership is no longer active and they must update their credit card in order to continue washing. Please note that the exact recording of involuntary churn status differs by POS. Encourage customers who churned due to credit card decline to re-enroll in the membership  
Membership join date X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks First ever join date of a member. If multiple join dates (i.e. canceled and rejoined), pertains to the earliest of those join dates. Member Drip campaigns. Ex: create an audience of members who joined 1 day ago and send a "welcome message" to that group of new members.  
Membership last charge date X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks Date that the member was most recently successfully recharged for their membership. Can be used to message members on prepaid plans encouraging them to renew membership. Ex: create audience where last charge date is within the past 3 months and the plan type is "3 month Prepaid Membership" to encourage those members to renew their plan.  
Membership last wash date X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks Date of most recent membership wash. Does not include retail washes or voucher redemptions. Message members the day after a recent wash asking them to fill out an NPS survey.  
Membership location Location (multi-select) Primary location associated with membership. Note: not all memberships have an associated location. Some DRB memberships will be assigned a location only after first membership wash. Alert members at a specific location about changes to that location's schedule.  
Membership next charge date Is before/on/after X date or is less than/at least/exactly X days from now Date of next membership recharge. Proactively alert members when their next charge date is coming up.  
Membership plan name No menu select - must enter exact plan name Name of membership plan as it appears in Rinsed. Name as written in Audience must be an exact match to the plan as it appears in Rinsed in order for filter to work. Contact all members on a certain plan to alert them to an upcoming price change for that plan. DRB: Filter only applies to ARM plans, not Club Plans.
Membership plan price Greater/less than or equal to $X Membership price as shown on membership in Rinsed. Price is defined by last successful recharge amount.* See note in POS nuance column. Alert members on a discount plan that their rate will be increasing soon. Sonny's: Plan Price is the "Billing amount" as defined by the plan in Sonny's.
Membership plan type Plan type (multi-select) Membership plan type as categorized by Rinsed. Plan types are approximated by Rinsed data team based on plan names in your POS. To learn more about your Plan Types or make changes, contact your CSM. Message all members on your lowest-tier plan type to encourage upgrading to the next-highest plan type.  
Membership recent visits Greater/less than or equal to X visits in the last 30 days Number of membership washes in the last 30 days. Text members who have washed 2 or fewer times in the past 30 days to remind them that their membership includes daily/unlimited washes.  
Membership replication group Replication group (multi-select) The replication group with which the membership is associated. Segment replication group-specific messaging and promotions, such as member offers.  
Membership status Active, former, or never members (single-select) Whether the member is an active member, former member, or never member (retail customer).
Active Member = Has been successfully recharged in the past 45 days (including day 45).
Former Member = Is associated with a membership record but has not been successfully recharged in the past 45 days. If a customer has both an Active and a Former Membership record, this filter will exclude Active Members by default.
Never-Member = Has never been associated with a membership record. This filter will search for non-members across all Rinsed Contact Lists as well as phone numbers entered via the POS.
Often combined with other filters. I.e. "Is on contact list [contact list]" and "Is an Active Member." Also frequently used for excluding audiences (i.e. exclude all Active Members in non-member drip campaign).  
Membership total visits Greater/less than or equal to X visits in the last Y days/weeks/months Number of membership washes before/during/after the designated time period. Target low usage members (to encourage more frequent washing) or high usage members (for upsells)  
Membership type1 cc declined at X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks [DRB Only]: Number of days since a credit card was declined under Category 1 declines, which expires the membership immediately. Applies to Sitewatch versions 28.0.2 or lower. Reduce Type 1 credit card churn by messaging customers impacted by Type 1 Declines with a form that enables them to repurchase a membership plan. Only applies to DRB Sitewatch 28.0.2 or below
Membership type1 cc non exp declined at X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks [DRB Only]: Number of days since a credit card was declined under Category 1 declines, but the membership stays in "decline" rather than "expired." Applies to Sitewatch 28.0.3+ Reduce Type 1 credit card churn by messaging affected customers a link to update their payment method. Only applies to DRB Sitewatch 28.0.3+
Membership voluntary churn X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks The date of the voluntary churn event. Includes all voluntary cancellations, whether or not they occurred through Rinsed. Does not include credit card (involuntary) churn. Create a targeted winback campaign for former members who churned voluntarily. Tailor messaging to promote improved service or better prices.  
Membership whitelist Membership whitelist (created under Marketing > Membership whitelists) (multi-select) All members on the selected whitelist. Send a message to static/defined group of members, such as a membership ambassador group.  
    Note: Contact related filters will search across all contact lists in the location group by default. To specify a contact list for the audience builder to query, use the "Contact list" filter.    
Contact birth date X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks Date of birth as included on a contact list in Rinsed. Does not pull DOB data from the POS. Birthday rewards programs - send a free wash on the customer's birthday.  
Contact created X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks Date the contact was added to a contact list in Rinsed. Note that a single phone number or email address may be associated with multiple contacts, and have multiple "Contact created" dates. Non-member drip campaigns/free wash campaigns. Follow up with the customer at specific time intervals after they have filled out a contact form.  
Contact list Is one of [Contact lists] (multi-select) Contact is on the selected Rinsed contact list. Note: There is an expected delay of up to 1 hour for recently created or updated contact lists. Please allow at least 30 minutes for Audience size/preview to load accurately prior to sending messages with that Audience. Message all contacts on a list, or some subset of those contacts. Used for following up after a customer joins a contact list via a form or shortcode keyword.  
Contact location Is one of [Locations listed in Rinsed] (multi-select) Location selected on contact list. Does not apply to contact lists that do not have a Location field or contacts with no Location listed. Only message contacts who selected a certain location on a contact form.  
Retail Wash
Last retail wash X days/weeks ago or within the last X days/weeks Date of most recent retail wash. Retail washer is defined by a combination of license plate and credit card data. Message customer the day after a retail wash to ask for feedback on your business.  
Retail segment Is one or multiple of [Retail segment] Retail customer is in the designated segment. Segments are defined here. Reach out to “Bargain Hunters” and “Early Birds” to tell them you’re now offering discounted washes on Tuesday mornings.  
Retail wash count X retail washes within the last Y days/weeks or before/after/on date; OR X of every Y Number of retail washes on/before/after the designated time period. Used for retail loyalty programs to program messages about loyalty rewards. Can also be used to target high usage retail customers to encourage conversion to membership.  
Redeemed voucher Voucher type / redemption date or amount of time since redemption Customers who redeemed the specified voucher type in the designated time period. Follow up to ask for feedback or encourage a next step (i.e. purchasing a membership) after a voucher redemption. Available for DRB (Sitewatchand Patheon), ICS, Sonnys, Micrologic, and Washify
Unredeemed voucher Voucher type / date voucher was sent or amount of time since send Customers who received a voucher during the designated time period and have not yet redeemed it. Send a reminder to customers who have not yet redeemed a free wash Available for DRB (Sitewatchand Patheon), ICS, Sonnys, Micrologic, and Washify
Wash location Is one of [Locations listed in Rinsed] (multi-select) on/before/after/within the last X days/weeks Customers who have washed at the specified location(s) in the designated time period. Includes members, retail customers, and contacts. Voucher redemptions not counted. Send a flash sale to retail washers who most recently visited a slower/less-trafficked location.