Audience Builder Overview

A walkthrough of how to use the audience builder in Rinsed

In Rinsed, you use the audience builder to segment the people in your database. Here is an outline of the different elements of the audience builder:

How do I create an Audience?

You create an audience by adding filters. Like this:

How do I message people in an audience?

You can message people by adding your audience to “Campaign” and “Scheduled” messages. Like this:

I have a spreadsheet with customer contact information—how do I message those people?

First, you can upload that spreadsheet to a contact list.

Then, you associate that contact list with an audience, like this:

Now, you can add that audience to a Campaign or a Scheduled message!

I have a spreadsheet with contact information, but I only want to message non-members.

To remove active members from the audience, exclude the “Active members” audience. Like this:

Here is a video walkthrough of how to utilize the audience builder in Rinsed: