Learn how to create and edit standard or graduating commission plans in Salespath
Since Salespath knows who is logged in and giving presentations, AND we know what the subsequent POS transactions are, Salespath can fully manage your commissions. The benefits of managing your commissions in Salespath are that (a) it is less work for you to do since it is automatic, (b) salespeople do not have to scan bar codes or keep track of receipts, (c) the salespeople will be able to see their commission amounts in their dashboard on the tablet, and (d) we can offer more sophisticated commission plans like graduating commissions.
Video: How to create/edit a Standard Commission Plan
Video: How to create/edit a Graduating Commission Plan
Create the Plan:
- Log in to Salespath, open up the menu, and click on the “Commission Plans” tool in the admin section in the left side menu.
- Once in the Commission Plan tool, click the “Create Plan” button in the top right corner of the screen. You will now be prompted to add a new plan.
- Name: Add in the name you would like the plan to be referred to as.
- Type: You can choose either “Graduating”, or “Standard”.
- Standard: This is a standard plan where set amounts are paid each time we detect certain SKUs being sold.
- Graduating: In this type of plan, salespeople get a certain commission amount based on how many they have sold within a time period. The more they sell, the more commission they can make. For example, you could setup 3 tiers: you pay a $3 commission for the first 50 memberships sold within a month; $4 for the next 50 (memberships 51-100), and then $5 for every membership sold after that (membership 101 and above). This can then reset at the end of the month. (You can also reset daily or quarterly, although monthly is the most common.) In this type of plan, CoachBot will notify the salespeople when they are close and when they change tiers. Their current tier will also be shown in their dashboard.
Add Categories:
Now that the plan has been created, we need to add in “categories”, or item type. We typically see 2 main categories: Unlimited and Retail, assuming you want to pay commission on certain retail packages. At the top of the page, choose the Categories tab. Now click the “add category” button on the top right of the page. Add the name you would like the category to be displayed as (e.g. Unlimited, Retail, or Add On), choose a corresponding color, then hit confirm.Add Commissionable Items
Once the plan is created, and categories are added, we need to add in the actual wash packages that commission will be paid out on. The items need to be listed for every single item you pay commission on and its description from your POS. When we see this description listed in the line item of a transaction, then we will add it to the commission for that user. We need to list each item for every location. So let's say you have 3 locations, and the SKU description is identical (e.g. "Silver Pkg Unlimited"). In that case you will still need to list that commissionable item for location 1, then again for location 2, and again for location 3.
We have a tool that will look at all SKUs from your POS transactions over the last 30 days that we consider to be a membership sale. This is to help automate the process so that you do not have to lookup each item in your POS, write it down and enter manually. With the tool, you can then add whichever items you want. Simply click the "Pull From POS" button to use this tool.
- Fields:
- Category - Could be Unlimited, Retail, Add-On etc.
- Base - This is the base commission rate to be paid out
- Bonus - Optional: This is an amount the salesperson would get assuming their personal engagement rate was at or above the target for the day. For example, let's assume the base is $3, and the bonus is $1 for an item. Let's also assume the salesperson sold 5 memberships one day. If their ending engagement rate was above the target, then they would be marked down for $20 in commission ($3 + $1 = $4 x 5 = $20). However, if their individual engagement rate was lower than the target, then they would only receive $15 in commission ($3 x 5 = $15).
- Fields:
- Points - By default ALL unlimited signups will attribute 6 points to the salesperson. If you would like to add MORE points to certain packages, you can do that here.
- Location - Specify which site this commission item will be applicable for. (See note above about adding an item for each location.)
Graduating Plan Tiers - If you are using Graduating commission, you will need to create each tier the plan will contain. Assuming you have selected the Graduating type, click the “Add Tier” button, then in the “name” field add your first tier (e.g. 1-10), then add your minimum member amount for that tier. For example, for tier 1-49, the minimum member amount would be 0. For tier 50-99, the minimum would be 49. Do that for each tier you would like to create. Then follow the same process for adding items as outlined for the standard plan above.
If either kind of plan is being made for a multi-site use, be sure to keep in mind that you will need to add each item multiple times, assigning it to each location.
Once a plan and applicable categories are created, and the items and commission amounts have been added, the sales team will have full visibility to their personal commission amounts in real time! You can test this by running the commission report.