Creating and editing Salespath presentations is completely self service and easy to do.
Below will show you how to add and edit a presentation. To specify which presentation is used at each location, go to the Location Manager page and select the location. You can designate the presentation there.
To add a presentation into Salespath, follow these steps:
- Upon logging into Salespath, open the menu and click on the “Presentation Manager” tool located in the “Administration” section.
- Once you are in the presentation manager, click the “New Presentation” box. You will be prompted to enter “presentation name” and choose whether it will be slide or tap compatible. Name the presentation something intuitive, for example, 9/24 Promo Music City. For the presentation type, always choose the “tap” option.
- You will now need to add the slide jpegs that have been created. Click the box labeled “Upload New Slides”, and choose the files you would like to upload. Once you have chosen all the files you will be using, click the “upload” button next to the “Upload New Slides” box.
- All those files will now be placed in the “Inactive Slides” section. You now need to click the arrow on the bottom of each individual slide to activate them.
- Now that the slides are active, we need to map the tap buttons. To do so, click the finger tapping screen icon on the bottom right of the slide. Now we can add zones around whatever we want to be able to have tap capabilities and link it to the corresponding slide.
- Click the “Add Zone” button on the top right of the screen. A box will be created in the top left corner of the slide. Drag the box that is created to wherever you need it, and size it to cover the item properly.
- Next, choose what slide it will link to by going to the “Linked Slide” dropdown menu and choosing the corresponding slide. There is no limit to the amount of tap compatible boxes added to a slide. Once you have you boxes drawn, set, and linked, click the save button on the bottom right side of the screen.
- When you have followed step 5 on all applicable slides, click the “Save Changes” button on the bottom right side of the screen.
- Reopen the presentation and click the “preview” button so as to make sure everything is linked correctly.
To edit a presentation, do the following:
- Choose the presentation you would like to edit by clicking the pencil icon on the top right of the presentation thumbnail
- Disable the old slides by clicking the prohibition icon on the bottom of the slide thumbnail. Upload new slides by following step 3 listed above.
- Follow the steps outlined above in step 5 to make new tap compatible areas.
- Click “Save Changes”
- Reopen the presentation and click “Preview” to make sure your edits were made correctly.
Want to offer a presentation in Spanish or another language?
Create and upload your translated presentation slides, then add a "Select language" option on your opening slide. The Spanish language selection will link to the Spanish slides, and the English language selection will link to the English slides.
Contact your CSM if you need assistance!