An overview of how to enable your customers to manage family plans through Rinsed
NOTE: Family plan management is only available with DRB today. We are actively working on getting this functionality live for all point-of-sales.
Family plans are a new feature added to the Rinsed platform that allow your customers complete control of their family unit all online through your website. Within our customer portal, customers can add, remove, or change vehicles within their family plan. Rinsed handles all plan management automatically in the background.
Here is a video walkthrough of what the family plan enrollment process looks like via a ticket form:
Here is a video walkthrough of what the family plan enrollment process looks like via the customer portal:
The primary account holder, or "Parent Account" of the family plan will be sold into an ARM Plan that is priced for the full value of all vehicles in the family plan. Based on the number of additional vehicles, or "child accounts" that customers wish to add to their plan, they will be sold into an ARM plan that accounts for the cost of all vehicles on the plan. Child accounts will then be sold into a club plan associated with the parent account's wash package that will allow them to redeem their wash.
In the event of any cancellation, decline, or expiration that prevents the recharge of the Parent Account's ARM Plan, Rinsed will deactivate the Child Account's Club Plans after a grace period that be customized to your preferences.
How To Set This Up In Rinsed:
To facilitate use of family plans through the Rinsed platform, a unique ARM plan is required for each combination of wash package and vehicle count, as well as a single unique Club Plan for each wash package. Your CSM will provide you with a template to fill out all the information on the wash packages and price points that you would like to provide for your customers, as well as an instructional document to provide to DRB for the configuration of these plans. Once you've completed your pricing spreadsheet, schedule an appointment with DRB's Scheduled Services Team for "Prepaid or ARM Configuration (Consultation" at this link, and send them your completed spreadsheet and configuration instructions to
Once DRB has completed your plan configuration, your CSM will work with you to configure the Rinsed platform for the sale and management of your family plans.
Here is a video wallk through of the configuration setup for family plans in Rinsed:
Sitewatch Configuration Details
Below are the item requirements for each ARM Plan and Club Plan. When possible, please maintain the following naming conventions for ease of understanding across car wash staff and Rinsed staff.
Parent ARM Plan Configuration
Plan Name- Rinsed FAM washname+X
For all instances of "+X" in plan/item names, X will represent the number of Child Club Members associated with the account. For instance, a plan designated for 1 Parent ARM Plan and 2 Child Club Plans would be +2.
FAM washname+X Sld
Standard-priced ARM Seller item, used for the sale of new customers into family plans and for prorated switches. Seller includes the full price for ALL vehicles and does not use Sitewatch's built-in "ARM Grp Mbr Prices" field for pricing. Must be exposed to the API in the 2000-2999 slot range.
FAM washname+ X $0 Sld
$0 seller item, used for facilitating switching between plans. The X will be the number of Child accounts. This must be exposed to the API in the 2000-2999 slot range.
FAM washname+X Rdmd
Redemption item for the parent ARM plan, Standard ARM RdmD/RdmP setup.
FAM washname+X Rchg
ARM Recharge item. Standard recharge item that includes the full price for ALL vehicles and does not use SiteWatch's built-in "ARM Grp Mbr Prices" field for pricing.
FAM washname+X Rfnd
Standard-priced ARM refund item. Must be included in the prorated Switch ARM that is exposed to the API (Standard slot 3). Full price for ALL vehicles and does not use SiteWatch's built in "ARM Grp Mbr Prices" field for pricing.
FAM washname+X NoRfnd
$0 Refund item. Must be included in the $0 Terminate ARM package that is exposed to the API (standard slot 5000, may vary).
Child Club Plan Configuration
Plan Name- Rinsed FAM washname Club
FAM washname Club $0 Sld
$0 Seller item. Since there is no setting in DRB SiteWatch for a plan duration to last indefinitely, this will be configured to sell the Child into the club for 9999 days. This items must be exposed to the API in the 3000-3999 slot range.
FAM washname Club Rdmd
Club redemption item. Standard Rdmd/RdmP configuration.
*Note- If the "Deactivate Club Plan" item is not currently exposed to the API, this will also need to be added for us to remove child accounts from the child club plans.
Submission For Configuration
When submitting a request for a Rinsed Family Plan setup, a submission of a spreadsheet including pricing information should be included. Below is an example of the spreadsheet and explanation of the different fields, along with a list of the plans that would be required for creation given the example submissions included.
If there are any questions or concerns related to the submission process, please reach out to Andrew Dole at for clarification on configuration requirement and CC your primary point of contract with the organization requesting the configuration.
ARM Plans:
Rinsed FAM Good+1- $35,00
Rinsed FAM Good+2- $45.00
Rinsed FAM Good+3- $55.00
Rinsed FAM Good+4- $65.00
Rinsed FAM Better+1- $50.00
Rinsed FAM Better+2- $65.00
Rinsed FAM Better+3- $80.00
Rinsed FAM Better+4- $95.00
Rinsed FAM Best+1- $70.00
Rinsed FAM Best+2- $90.00
Rinsed FAM Best+3- $110.00
Rinsed FAM Best+4- $130.00
Club Plans:
Rinsed FAM Good Club
Rinsed FAM Better Club
Rinsed FAM Best Club