Understanding the Member Engagement Tab

An overview of the data definitions of the member engagement tab in Rinsed analytics

Member Engagement

The Member Engagement tab in Rinsed Analytics serves as the landing page for information on member interactions through Rinsed. Designed to bolster your customer retention efforts, this dashboard distills critical engagement data into actionable insights. It is segmented into two areas of focus: Dunning and NPS Surveys, each providing targeted information to fine-tune your member engagement strategies. Both of these features may be activated in Rinsed by reaching out to your CSM.


Through Rinsed, car washes can send messages to their members to resolve payment issues when an attempt to recharge a member for their subscription fails. By addressing credit card declines and providing one-click payment update links to members, Rinsed helps car washes maintain a healthy customer lifecycle and reduce involuntary churn. This analytics section serves as a command center for understanding the impact of the dunning messages sent to members who may have otherwise churned.

Dunning Messages Sent: The total number of texts and emails that have been sent to customers whose credit cards are in decline.

Unique Customer Messaged: The number of members who have been sent an email or text regarding their credit card being in decline. Unique customers messaged is often lower than total messages sent for a few reasons:

  1. Rinsed sends both emails and texts to the same person if we have both pieces of contact information.
  2. Rinsed sends messages multiple times for the same transaction if the person is still in credit card decline (the default is on the 4th and 11th day).
  3. Rinsed can message the same customers over time if they go into decline on multiple occasions.

Customer Returned (All Methods): The number of members who updated their payment method/returned to active status via any means (i.e. Rinsed form, in-person, over the phone, etc) after receiving a dunning text or email.

Revenue Recovered (All Methods): The total post-dunning revenue received from customers who returned after being sent a dunning message, regardless of their method of return. This includes all subsequent recharges following the payment update. This revenue corresponds to the Customers Returned (All Methods) metric.

Payment Methods Updated by Rinsed Form: This is the number of members who after being sent a text/email, updated their credit card via the Rinsed-hosted form that is included in the messages. This cohort is a subsection of the Customer Returned (All Methods) segment and is also presented over time.

Revenue Recovered: The total post-dunning revenue received from customers who returned via the Rinsed-hosted form after being sent a dunning message. This includes all subsequent recharges following the payment update. This revenue corresponds to the Payment Methods Updated by Rinsed Form metric.

Rinsed Form Members and Revenue Recovered, Over Time: These charts show the breakdown of members returned over time, separated by cohort (the month in which the member returned to active status after being sent a dunning message). Observing the same color across different months shows how well each cohort is retained and continues to contribute to the overall returned revenue over time.

NPS Survey Results

Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction in a simple format, asking how likely customers are to recommend a business on scale from 1-10. In the car wash industry, these surveys are critical, as they quickly reveal customer perceptions that can drive repeat business and referrals, or signal the need for service improvements. High NPS scores correlate with growth, making them a valuable tool for fostering long-term success of your car wash. Rinsed provides the capability to distribute NPS surveys to your customer base and displays insights in the Member Engagement dashboard. We provide metrics for the number of responses given, overall and by-location NPS Scores, and positive/negative feedback. Click here for more information about NPS.

This is how the overall Net Promoter Score is calculated for a business: