Understanding Analytics Dashboard Filters

An in depth look at the dashboard filters available in the analytics within Rinsed.

Analytics Dashboard Filters in Rinsed allow you to analyze reports for specific locations and date ranges.

Location and Location Group Filters

  • A Location represents a single physical car wash location within the Rinsed platform. 
  • A Location Group comprises multiple locations that share the same brand. Car wash groups with multiple brands may have multiple location groups for their operations.
  • On a car wash group’s Analytics page, Location filters are always located at the top of the page
  • If using location filters at the top of the page in conjunction with date filters that are dashboard specific, you must select the location filters first, hit apply, then select the date filters, then hit apply again.
    • If using both location group and location filters, follow these steps:
      • Filter the location group
      • Click apply
      • Filter the locations and click apply

Start Date and End Date Filters

  • Start and End Date filters allow you to filter dashboards to specific date ranges and will limit the data to only include transactions occurring in the specified date range. 
  • If Date filters are not modified, the Start Date will default to all-time, or a specific date (which will be noted on the chart).
  • Date filters are available for individual tabs such as Overview, Daily, Campaigns, Downsells, and Tickets.
    • Note: Date filters are dashboard-specific, meaning that they only apply to the dashboard you're currently on

Other Filters

  • You might see other filters in some dashboards (such as Tickets). 
    • The Ticket dashboard includes filters for when a ticket was received and resolved as well as the employee that handled it.

Additional Information

There is a warning at the bottom of the Daily Dashboard that says "Please note that charts render a maximum of 2,000 data points. All the data for a chart is exportable if "Download Full Results" is selected. This warning will appear bright red if the maximum of 2,000 data points has been exceeded. This means that the date range selected at the top of the dashboard is too wide and you need to narrow further to avoid viewing incomplete data. Use the date filters at the top of the dashboard to update the date range, hit apply, and then wait for the red message to disappear.


Q: I selected date filters of x to y but my dashboard is only showing z to y. 

A: For each car wash that we work with, we set a "data start date" which will tell our dashboards to only show data from this date onward. This is done to eliminate noise from incomplete data; for example, in cases where a data migration happened or transaction categorizations were readjusted years ago. This ensures that all data we present in the dashboards is accurate.  Please reach out to your CSM if you have any questions.