An overview of the conversion definition in Rinsed analytics
Conversion Definition
Conversion at high level is a metric of how effectively a wash converts non-members to members in the driveway. It is the percent of sales opportunities, or eligible washes, that the wash successfully sold a membership to. Conversion is a helpful metric to determine if certain promotions are working in converting people to members, for determining membership price structures, for determining employee effectiveness and commissions, and in comparing the performance of different sites, among other things.
Simple Calculation for Conversion
Conversion = Membership Sales / Eligible Washes
Eligible Washes = Total Washes - Redemptions - Free Washes
Where to Find Conversion Data
You can find conversion data in the Analytics section of the Rinsed Web App.
Below are sample “Daily Conversion Detail” & “Aggregated Conversion Detail” charts from the bottom of the Daily Tab in Analytics. We also have a “1 Week Rolling Conversion” chart in this tab. (See FAQs for more detail on this chart).
You can also find a “Monthly Conversion by Location” chart in the Overview tab in your Analytics.
Lastly, you will receive an email every morning with yesterday’s conversion stats.
- How do you determine what is a Redemption or Free Wash or Sale?
- During the onboarding process, we match our transaction counts with the sales reports from the POS (“General Sales Reports” or “GSRs” for DRB, “Shift Detail Reports” for ICS, and “Daily/Period Reports” for Micrologic) or online portal counts (for Sonny’s & Washify). Those reports direct us to what should be considered a Sale, Free Wash, or Redemption by the point of sale (POS).
- What is a Redemption? How does my POS define a Redemption?
- A redemption is a wash that is associated with a membership and incurs no charge at the time of wash, due to the fact that the person is paying for a membership. The terminology varies from POS. The most common definitions by POS are listed below:
- DRB: We include Membership Redemptions and Prepaid Redemptions. For Membership Redemptions, we include washes that appear in the “ARM Plans Redeemed” category on the GSR (General Sales Report). For Prepaid Redemptions, we include any washes that appear in the “Prepaid Redeemed” category on the GSR.
- ICS: Washes that appear in either the Base Wash or Discount categories on the Shift Detail Report (depending on POS setup) that are identified through the item name as “Club Redeem” or “Redemption”.
- Micrologic: Washes that appear in the “Unlimited Redeems” category on the “Daily/Period Report”
- Sonnys: For Membership Redemptions, we include washes showing up in the “Recurring Redemptions” row in the Sales Overview V2 Report in the Sonny’s portal
- Washify: Washes showing up in the “Unlimited Cars Washed” column in the Car Count Report in the Washify Portal.
- A redemption is a wash that is associated with a membership and incurs no charge at the time of wash, due to the fact that the person is paying for a membership. The terminology varies from POS. The most common definitions by POS are listed below:
- How does my POS define a Free Wash?
- For DRB, during Implementation, we will send over a GSR highlighted with what the data team interprets as a Free Wash, and you can send over any corrections. Usually, this includes washes in the Wash Discounts or Wash Loyalty Discounts category, depending on the setup of your POS.
- For ICS, anything in the Free Wash or Rewash category on the Shift Detail Report.
- For Micrologic, it can depend on the Daily/Period Report, but usually washes with a total price of $0.
- For Sonny’s, washes where the total paid is $0.
- For Washify, washes where the total paid is $0.
- Why aren’t free washes included in Eligible Washes?
- Free washes are not considered true conversion opportunities, because often they include things such as Rewashes and other promotions, where the realistic opportunity to sell a membership to that person is low, so we wouldn’t want to underreport conversion by including these Free Washes in Eligible Washes.
- Can we see live, hourly (intra-day) conversion reports?
- Currently we support Live Hourly Conversion reports on a per-request basis for car washes using DRB, ICS, and Micrologic. If you have Patheon or Sonnys as your Point of Sale, contact your CSM about live conversion reporting eligibility.
- Why is my conversion for this location for this day over 100%?
- This can happen if a new location is offering a lot of free washes, for example. Free Washes are not included in Eligible Washes, so if a wash had 100 washes, 20 membership redemptions, and 70 free washes on a particular day and was able to sell 30 memberships, conversion would be 30 / (100 - 20 - 70) = 30/10 = 300%. There is no cause for concern if this happens one-off, but if you see this trend continue over time, please reach out to your CSM.
- What is 1 Week Rolling Conversion (Daily Tab)?
- Rolling conversion considers conversion over the trailing week instead of conversion exclusively on a particular day. For example, 1 Week Rolling conversion for February 14 looks at total conversion (Sales divided by Eligible Washes) from the time period of February 8-February 14th. Rolling conversion will help to smooth out data to show trends over a longer time period, instead of spiky, noisy data that can vary day to day based on car volume, weather, and other factors outside the car wash’s control.
- What is the difference between the Daily Conversion Detail & Aggregated Conversion Detail charts on the Daily tab?
- The Daily Conversion chart looks at conversion at each location on each day. The Aggregated Conversion Detail chart looks at conversion at each location over a longer time period. This chart defaults to the last trailing month, but you can use the date filters at the top of the tab to analyze conversion over any timeframe.