Contact Lists Dashboard Vs. Marketing ROI Dashboard

An overview of the differences between the contact lists dashboard and the marketing ROI dashboard

What is the difference between the Contact Lists and Marketing ROI dashboards?

The Contact Lists dashboard covers contact collection, conversion rate, and the subsequent revenue derived from contacts that convert to members, allowing you to compare the relative success of various contact lists. It also includes an export of all contacts converted to members and their corresponding membership information. 

The Marketing ROI Dashboard shows the revenue received from members who signed up for a membership within 14 days of receiving an email or text via Rinsed. It allows you to compare the success of various marketing campaigns by comparing success metrics such as number of non-members who joined a membership or number of already active members who washed. 

What is the difference between the Contact Lists Revenue number and the Marketing Revenue number?

The reasons for differences between the two top-line revenue numbers are as follows:

  • Marketing Revenue is limited to revenue received from a member who joined within 14 days of a message, whereas the Contact Lists dashboard looks at revenue from members who joined within any timeframe after providing their contact information
    • Result: Contact Lists Revenue could be higher than Marketing Revenue, as the Contact List dashboard allows for a longer timeframe before a membership sign-up
  • Contacts on contact lists were not necessarily ever messaged 
    • Result: Contact List revenue could include revenue from members who converted after providing their contact information, even if they were never messaged 
  • Marketing Revenue only includes revenue up until the first membership lapse, whereas Contact List revenue looks at any subsequent revenue after providing their contact information 
    • Result: Contact Lists revenue could be higher than Marketing Revenue since it includes all subsequent revenue, not just revenue until the first membership lapse
  • Not all customers messaged via Rinsed that count towards Marketing ROI are contacts that originated from contact forms, as there are numerous other methods of contact info collection (e.g contact info in the driveway, retail audiences, and former member winbacks)
    • Result: Marketing Revenue could be higher than Contact Form Revenue as it may include a larger group of members