Analytics Reference Sheet

A comprehensive guide explaining data definitions for all charts in Rinsed


Definitions of Bolded Words

Eligible Washes

(Total Washes - Membership Redemptions - Free Washes)


# of Plans Sold


Sales/Eligible Washes

Chart / Table



Active Member Revenue

The amount of revenue received from members for either a new or renewed membership payment in the trailing 1 month.

If today is 2/14, then Active Member Revenue includes revenue received from members from 1/14 to 2/13.

Active Member Count

The # of members who have had a successful sale or recharge in the last trailing 1 month.

Note: Rinsed uses this standard definition for all POSs that we work with to ensure consistency, so active member counts may differ slightly from the POS.

If today is 2/14, then Active Member Count includes any members with a successful membership sale or recharge from 1/14 to 2/13.

Monthly Member Revenue

The amount of revenue received from members for either a new or renewed membership payment in each calendar month.

Note: Revenue is broken down by New, Rejoined, or Renewed. The difference between New and Rejoined is that for a new membership, we have never seen this member before; whereas with a Rejoined membership, this person previously had a membership, lapsed, and is now signing up for a new membership.


Member Count

The # of members who have had a successful sale or recharge in each calendar month.

Note: See note in "Monthly Member Revenue" for note on how Revenue is broken down.


Average Membership Price

In each calendar month, the price paid for a membership transaction, broken down by whether the member is new or renewing their membership.

Note: Rejoins are excluded from this table.


Active Members by Location

The # of members having a successful sale or recharge at each location per calendar month.


Active Members by Plan Type

The # of members having a successful sale or recharge per plan type per calendar month.

Note: Plan type is a grouping of plans that have similar characteristics. (Example: Basic Plan Father's Day 2024, and Basic Plan $19.99, would be grouped as a Basic plan type. Please reach out to your CSM if you want to edit your Plan Types.)


Monthly Conversion by Location

The % of eligible washes that the carwash sold a membership to.

Note: Rinsed defines eligible washes as (Total Washes - Membership Redemptions - Free Washes) and defines a Sale as (# of Plans Sold). Thus, Conversion = Sales / Eligible Washes.


Member Wash Usage

The # of membership redemptions per location per calendar month.


Average Member Usage

The average # of times that a member redeems a wash per calendar month. Average Member Usage = Total Membership Redemptions / Total Active Members in that calendar month.


Member Wash Frequency Distribution

The % of members that wash between X and Y times per month on average (see X axis of graph) over the last 3 full calendar months.

If today is 2/14, this chart would look at average membership redemptions per month per member for November, December, and January.

Average Membership Revenue per Wash

The amount of revenue per membership redemption. We calculate as Membership Revenue that calendar month / # of redemptions that calendar month.


Cumulative Washes per Month by Frequency

The % of members that wash X times per month or less on average (see X axis of graph) over the last 3 full calendar months.

Note: This chart is the same as Member Wash Frequency Distribution, but on a cumulative basis. This means that 2 on the X axis in this chart represents 2 or less, whereas in Member Wash Frequency Distribution, it represents between 2 and 3 washes exactly.

If today is 2/14, this chart would look at average membership redemptions per month per member for November, December, and January.


Definitions of Bolded Words

Eligible Washes

(Total Washes - Membership Redemptions - Free Washes)


# of Plans Sold


Sales/Eligible Washes

Chart / Table



Daily Active Members

The # of members who have had a successful sale or recharge within the last trailing 1 month from the day on the X axis.

Note: We break this down by whether the member is a new, or renewing member.

If the day on the X axis is 2/14, then the total Active Member Count for that day includes any members with a successful membership sale or recharge from 1/14 to 2/13.

MoM Member Growth Rate

The growth in active member count from 1 month prior to yesterday up to yesterday.

If today is 2/14, then we are showing the growth in active member count from 1/13 to 2/13.

YoY Member Growth Rate

The growth in active member count from 366 days ago to yesterday.


MoM Member Revenue Growth

The growth in active member revenue from 1 month prior to yesterday up to yesterday.

If today is 2/14, then we are showing the growth in active member revenue from 1/13 to 2/13.

YoY Member Revenue Growth

The growth in active member revenue from 366 days ago to yesterday.


Active Members by Location

The # of members who have had a successful sale or recharge within the last trailing 1 month (Active Members) from the day on the X axis, broken down by location.

If the day on the X axis is 2/14, then the Active Member Count for that day for that location includes any members with a successful membership sale or recharge from 1/14 to 2/13.

MoM Growth by Location

The growth in active member count from 1 month prior to yesterday up to yesterday for each location.

If today is 2/14, then we are showing the growth in active member count from 1/13 to 2/13 per location.

Membership Sales by Location

For each day, the # of new membership sales per location.


Membership Sales - Yesterday

For yesterday, the # of new membership sales per location.


1 Week Rolling Conversion

For each location for each day, the total conversion from today to 6 days ago (Sum of Sales / Sum of Eligible Washes).

For location A, on 2/14, we are summing sales from 2/8 to 2/14 divided by eligible washes from 2/8 to 2/14.

Conversion - Yesterday

For each location for yesterday, the % of eligible washes that the carwash sold a membership to.


Membership Renewals by Location

For each day, the # of membership renewals per location.


Membership Renewals - Yesterday

For yesterday, the # of membership renewals per location.


Total Wash Volume by Location

For each day, the total wash volume (Redemptions, Retail Washes, and Free Washes) per location.


Total Wash Volume - Yesterday

For yesterday, the total wash volume (Redemptions, Retail Washes, and Free Washes) per location.


Payment Method Decline Counts by Location (Today)

For each wash location, the # of members who are in Credit Card decline (their membership renewal attempt failed).

These members will not be counted as Active Members currently.


Payment Method Decline Counts by Day (Today)

For each day on the X axis, how many members have been in Credit Card decline for exactly that many days.

These members will not be counted as Active Members currently.

If 300 members have been in decline for 4 days, this means that we first attempted to recharge them for their membership 4 days ago, and we still have not received a successful payment.

Daily Conversion Detail

For each location for each day, the % of eligible washes that the carwash sold a membership to.


Aggregated Conversion Detail (Defaults to Trailing Month)

For each location for the date range given, the % of eligible washes that the carwash sold a membership to.

Note: This chart will default to the trailing month if the date filters at the top of the tab are not used.



Definitions of Bolded Words

Voluntary churn

Members that decided to cancel their membership

Credit Card Churn

Members whose membership was canceled automatically when their credit card declined the recharge attempt and never resolved


A group of members that signed up for their membership during the same month

LTV = Lifetime Value

The average revenue received from members

Chart / Table



Monthly Subscriber Churn by Type

% of active members that churned (Voluntary Churn or Credit Card Churn). In other words: (# of people who churned) divided by (the # of active members eligible to recharge this month).

Note: Does NOT include new active members signing up for their membership for the first time this month.


Subscriber Churn by Type Last Month

For each location in each calendar month, % of active members that churned (Voluntary Churn or Credit Card Churn). In other words: (# of people who churned) divided by (the # of active members eligible to recharge this month).

Note: Does NOT include new active members signing up for their membership for the first time this month.


Churn by Months Since Joining

The % of members who were active up until X (see x axis) months of membership, and then churned at exactly that point.


Subscriber Retention

For X (see x axis) months since signing up for a membership, the % of members that are still paying for their membership.


Active Members by Cohort

See "Cohort" definition first. The # of members at the beginning of their membership (period 0, the month they signed up for their membership) and the # that remain active after 1, 2, 3, and so on months.


Net Members

The # of new members (members added) and # of members lost to churn (members lost) each month. Net members = # members added - # members lost.


Cohort Triangle

See "Cohort" definition first. This chart shows each cohort, and the % of them that remain active after 1,2,3, and so on months.


Subscriber Retention by Monthly Acquisition Cohort

This chart is the same as the Cohort Triangle, but represented as a line chart instead of a table.


Subscriber Retention by Location

For each location, for X (see x axis) months since signing up for a membership, the % of members that are still paying for their membership.


LTV by Month

For each month on the X axis, this shows what the LTV is, or expected revenue for the average member after that many months of membership.

Note: Churn is accounted for automatically, because our calculation is: (the sum of all revenue received from members who signed up for their membership exactly X (see x axis) months ago) divided by (the # of members).

Assume you have 3 members who all signed up 6 months ago. One stayed for exactly 1 month and paid $20; one stayed for 3 months and paid $60; and the other stayed for the full 6 months and paid $120. LTV = ($20 + $60 + $120) / 3 = $66.66.

LTV by Year

This chart shows LTV, or amount of revenue received, for the average member after 12, 24, and 36 months of membership.

Note: Churn is accounted for automatically, because our calculation will take: (the sum of all revenue received from members who signed up for their membership program exactly 1, 2, or 3 years ago) divided by (the # of members).


LTV by Site

Same as LTV by Month chart, but broken down per Location.


LTV by Site - 12 Months

Same as LTV by Year chart, but broken down per Location.


LTV by Plan

Same as LTV by Month chart, but broken down per Plan Type.


LTV by Plan - 12 Months

Same as LTV by Year chart, but broken down per Plan Type.


Member Engagement

Definitions of Bolded Words

Dunning Message

A message sent to a member in credit card decline to alert them that their payment attempt failed and ask them to update their credit card

Chart / Table



Messages Sent

The # of dunning messages sent, via text or email.


Unique Customers Messaged

The # of unique customers we sent a dunning message to.

Note: This number will often be lower than the number of messages sent because a) we can contact customers via text and email if we have both pieces of contact information and b) we will contact customers multiple times if they continue to be in credit card decline. The current dunning cadence is on the 4th and 11th day of decline.


Customer Returned

The total # of customers that returned as an active member after being sent a dunning message.

Note: They did not necessarily have to return through the Rinsed form that we send with a dunning message; this includes returns that happened because the person updated their card over the phone or in the driveway, or because funds were added to the card and the transaction went through, as well as the Rinsed form.


Revenue Recovered

The revenue received from customers that returned as an active member after being sent a dunning message.

Note: see Note from "Customer Returned" chart. Also, this revenue # includes not only the revenue received on the first transaction where they return, but also all subsequent transactions.

Let's say a member went into decline on 2/1 and Rinsed sends them a dunning message on 2/4. The customer then updates their payment method over the phone on 2/5 and then continues to recharge for their membership on 3/1, 4/1, and 5/1. The revenue number will be the sum of the revenue received from the 2/5, 3/1, 4/1, and 5/1 transactions.

Payment Methods Updated by Rinsed Form

The total # of customers that returned as an active member via the Rinsed form after being sent a dunning message.


Revenue from Updates Made Online

The revenue received from customers that returned as an active member after specifically using the Rinsed form to update their payment method.

Note: This revenue # includes not only the revenue received on the first transaction where they return, but also all subsequent transactions.


Messages Sent by Day

The # of dunning texts and emails sent each day.


Payment Methods Updated by Rinsed Form

The # of payment methods updated each day using the Rinsed form exclusively.


Recovered Revenue over Time

The sum of revenue received from customers who returned through a Rinsed form after being sent a dunning message in each calendar month. Each color represents the month in which they first returned to active status after being sent a dunning message.

If you started dunning in January, that month you would see revenue recovered from people in January only. In February, you will see revenue recovered from people who returned in February AND people who returned in January and are still members. And so on.

Returned Members over Time

The # of active members who returned after being sent a dunning message in each calendar month. Each color represents the month in which they first returned to active status after being sent a dunning message.

If you started dunning in January, that month you would see active members who returned in January only. In February, you will see active members who returned in February AND people who returned in January and are still members.


Definitions of Bolded Words

Text Segments

Segments are a Twilio concept; you can read more about them here:

Chart / Table


Email Campaigns Sent

The # of unique email campaigns sent.

Email Campaign Messages Sent

The # of email messages sent out.

Open Rate

The % of emails sent out that were opened (Emails Opened / Emails Sent).

Click Rate

The % of emails sent out in which the link was clicked (Email Links Clicked / Emails Sent).

Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR)

The % of emails opened in which the person clicked the link (Email Links Clicked / Emails Opened).

Unsubscription Rate

The % of emails sent in which the recipient later unsubscribed to the email list (Unsubscribes / Emails Sent).


For each email campaign, some statistics around performance of that campaign, including the # of emails sent, the open rate, click rate, etc.

Text Message Campaigns Sent

The # of unique text campaigns sent.

Text Campaign Messages Sent

The # of text messages sent out.


For each text message campaign, some statistics around performance of that campaign, including the # of texts sent, the click rate, etc.

Note: With emails we have data about when email messages are opened, but with texts we only have data about when the link inside the text message is clicked.

Total Text Segments

The total # of text segments, both dunning and non-dunning, sent in the last week (if date filters are not used).

Billable (Non-Dunning) Text Segments

The total # of billable segments sent in the last week (if date filters are not used). Rinsed does not charge for dunning segments, so this would include non-dunning messages only.

Text Segments by Month

This chart shows 3 calculations for each month:

1. the total # of billable (non-dunning) segments

2. the total # of included segments with your SaaS fees paid to Rinsed

3. the overage (the # of segments that you are responsible for paying for). Overage = Billable Segments - Included Segments


Chart / Table


Washes by Wash Type Over Time (#)

For each calendar month, the # of washes that fall into each of the following categories: Free Wash (a $0 wash that is not associated with a membership), Retail Wash, and Membership Redemptions.

Washes by Wash Type Over Time (%)

For each calendar month, the % of washes that fall into each of the following categories: Free Wash (a $0 wash that is not associated with a membership), Retail Wash, and Membership Redemptions.

Wash Breakdown - Last 30 Days

In the last 30 days, the % of washes that fall into each of the following categories: Free Wash (a $0 wash that is not associated with a membership), Retail Wash, and Membership Redemptions.

Total Washes This Month

The total # of washes in the last 30 days, and the % increase or decrease in total wash count from the 30 days before that.

Retail Washes This Month

The # of retail (non-membership) washes in the last 30 days, and the % increase or decrease in retail wash count from the 30 days before that.

Free Washes This Month

The # of free ($0 non-membership) washes in the last 30 days, and the % increase or decrease in free wash count from the 30 days before that.

Redemptions This Month

The # of membership redemptions/washes in the last 30 days, and the % increase or decrease in redemptions from the 30 days before that.

Unique Customers by Wash Type Over Time (#)

In each calendar month, the # of unique customers of each customer type: Member or Retail Washer.

Note: We identify a unique Member based off their membership ID. We identify a unique Retail Washer by either their license plate or their credit card.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

Unique Customers by Wash Type Over Time (%)

Same as the chart above, but a % instead of a #.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

Unique Customers Breakdown - Last 12 Months

Over the last 12 months, the % of unique customers or unique vehicles that fall into each category: Retail or Member.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

Unique Customers Last 12 Months

Over the last 12 months, the # of unique customers or unique vehicles, regardless of whether they are Retail or Member.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

Unique Retail Washers Last 12 Months

Over the last 12 months, the # of unique Retail customers, identified by either their credit card or license plate.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

Unique Members Last 12 Months

Over the last 12 months, the # of unique members.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

Average Spent on Retail Wash - Last 30 Days

The average spent on a retail wash transaction in the last 30 days, and the increase or decrease in average spent from 30 days prior.

Retail Spend - 25th Percentile - Last 30 Days

The 25th percentile for spend on a single retail wash transaction in the last 30 days. You can think of this as 25% of transactions were less than this amount, and 75% of transactions were more.

Retail Spend - Median - Last 30 Days

The median or 50th percentile for spend on a single retail wash transaction in the last 30 days. You can think of this as 50% of transactions were less than this amount, and 50% of transactions were more.

Retail Spend - 75th Percentile - Last 30 Days

The 75th percentile for spend on a single retail wash transaction in the last 30 days. You can think of this as 75% of transactions were less than this amount, and 25% of transactions were more.

Price Distribution for Retail Washes - Last 30 Days

The # of retail transactions costing between x and y amount (see the x axis).

Retail Wash Prices Over Time

The average, and 25th, 50th (median), and 75th percentile for retail wash spend in each calendar month, and how that changes over time

Price Distribution for Retail Washes by Item Name - Last 30 Days

The average cost of each wash item.

Note: that this chart is only available for some points of sale. Contact your CSM with questions.

Retail Washes by Month

The # of retail wash transactions in each calendar month.

Unique Retail Washers - Last 30 Days

The number of unique retail washers, identified by either license plate or credit card, that have visited the wash in the last 30 days.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

Percent of Retail Washers That Visited Multiple Times - Last 30 Days

Of all the unique retail washers, identified by either license plate or credit card, that visited the wash at least once in the past 30 days, the percent that visited more than once.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

% of Retail Washers Washing for the First Time by Month

Of all the unique retail washers, identified by either license plate or credit card, that visited the wash in that calendar month, the percent that have never visited your wash before that month.

Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

% Retail Washers with Multiple Transactions Per Month

Of all the unique retail washers, identified by either license plate or credit card, that visited the wash at least once in that calendar month, the percent that visited more than once. Disclaimer: This chart will only appear on your dashboard if we are able to identify at least 75% of your retail washers last month.

Average Retail Washes by Day of Week

The average # of retail washes per day for each day of the week.

Retail Washes by Item Name Over Time (#)

For each calendar month, the # of retail wash transactions, broken down by the specific retail wash item that they purchased.

Note: that this chart is only available for some points of sale. Contact your CSM with questions.

Retail Washes by Item Name Over Time (%)

For each calendar month, the % of retail wash transactions that were each specific retail wash item.

Note: that this chart is only available for some points of sale. Contact your CSM with questions.

% of Retail Transactions in the Last 30 Days with Contact Info

The % of retail wash transactions in the last 30 days in which we can identify & contact the retail washer.

Note: We identify retail washers by either credit card or license plate. We obtain their contact info from the 5 following methods:

1) they were a former member, and have the same contact info and license plate/credit card to connect the phone number to

2) they provided their contact info in exchange for a voucher

3) they provided their phone number at the XPT in the driveway (DRB specific)

4) they provided their contact info and the POS stores this as a "customer" object

5) they provided their license plate and contact info on a contact form (Rinsed feature)

% Retail Transactions with Contact Info

The % of retail wash transactions in each calendar month in which we can identify & contact the retail washer.

Note: See Note in "% of Retail Transactions in the Last 30 Days with Contact Info"

Contact Info Collected on Non-Members Last 30 Days

The # of retail customers that we collected contact info on in the last 30 days, and whether we collected phone, email, or both.

Note: this differs from the two charts above (% of Retail Transactions..) because we do NOT include former members here. This is focused on contact info collection efforts, so it identifies the information we collect from current retail washers only.

Contact Info Collected on Non-Members All Time

The # of retail customers that we collected contact info on, and whether we collected phone, email, or both.

Note: See Note in "Contact Info Collected on Non-Members Last 30 Days"